The Brumadinho UFMG Project is composed of subprojects, grouped into four thematic areas: Environment, Infrastructure, Socioeconomics and Population Health. Currently, the Brumadinho Project is deployed in 67 subprojects whose object is different aspects and dimensions of the multiple impacts, losses and damages, material and immaterial, economic, social, cultural and environmental, inflicted on the populations affected by the rupture of the dam, in Brumadinho. Complementary studies and research may be the subject of calls for new subprojects.

Identify and evaluate the emergency needs of the victims affected, descending from losses and socioeconomic, environmental, health, education, urban structures, material and immaterial cultural heritage, among other short, medium and long term impacts, on a local scale , micro-regional, mesoregional and regional.

To present the needs for full and fair reparation of damages and losses, recovery and reconstruction in a Consolidated Assessment Report and develop a Recovery Plan
The research carried out by the subprojects has as reference area 19 municipalities previously defined by the Court, which extend from Brumadinho to the dam of the Retiro Baixo Hydroelectric Plant.
The reference region (affected counties) comprises the following selected municipalities: (1) Betim, (2) Brumadinho, (3) Curvelo, (4) Esmeraldas, (5) Florestal, (6) Fortuna de Minas, (7) Igarapé, (8) Juatuba, (9) Maravilhas, (10) Mário Campos, (11) Martinho Campos, (12) Papagaios, (13) Pará de Minas, (14) Paraopeba, (15) Pequi, (16) Pompéu, (17) São Joaquim de Bicas, (18) São José da Varginha, (19) Sarzedo.