The Brumadinho

The Brumadinho UFMG Project has the general objective of assisting the 2nd Public Finance Court of the District of Belo Horizonte through studies that allow the identification and evaluation of the impacts resulting from the collapse of Dam I of the Córrego do Feijão Mine.

The specific objectives are: to identify and assess the emergency needs of socioeconomic, environmental, health, education, urban structures, material and immaterial cultural heritage and riverine populations, among other impacts, at a local, micro-regional, meso-regional and regional; and present recovery and reconstruction needs in a Consolidated Assessment Report and develop Recovery Plan.

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The Brumadinho Platform

The Brumadinho UFMG Platform is an instrument for accessing data related to the lawsuits that are being processed as a result of the collapse of the Paraopebas mining complex, Mina Córrego do Feijão, in Brumadinho (MG).

The Platform offers integrated resources for searching and viewing information, involving thematic, geographic and temporal aspects. Summaries produced about each legal document, as well as descriptions and summaries of other types of content, make it easy to find elements of interest to any audience, including legal professionals, researchers and ordinary citizens.


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Mulheres Na Ciencia - Mariangela Antigo



Specialties Videos



ricardo orlando

Young Scientists Videos



jovens cientistas lucas lima carneiro

Open Calls

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All results here.

Chamada 01 - Construção, manutenção e alimentação de plataforma interativa: chamada, resultado.
Chamada 02 -  Mapeamento de uso e cobertura do solo na sub-bacia do Ribeirão Ferro-Carvão, Brumadinho: chamada, resultado.
Chamada 03 - Identificação e caracterização da população atingida: chamada, retificação, resultado.
Chamada 04 - Coleta de amostras da ictiofauna da bacia do Rio Paraopeba para análise patológica e toxicológica: chamada, resultado.
Chamada 05 - Coleta de amostras de animais da fauna em áreas de mata na Bacia do Rio Paraopeba para análise toxicológica: chamada, resultado.
Chamada 06 - Coleta de amostras de animais domésticos e da fauna mortos para análises patológica e toxicológica: chamada, resultado.
