The Brumadinho Project
On January 25th of 2019, the Dam I of the ''Córrego do Feijão'' Mine, in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, collapsed. Beyond the human losses, there were a series of consequences and impacts on the personal, social, ambiental and economic areas, such as on the long territorial extension patrimonies, especially on the Paraopeba River's Basin. In function of the disruption of the Dam, judicial actions were judged (records 5000121-74.2019.8.13.0054, 5010709-36.2019.8.13.0024, 5026408-67.2019.8.13.0024, 5044954-73.2019.8.13.0024) which move towards the Court of the 2nd Public Finance Court of the District of Belo Horizonte. Within the scope of these lawsuits, the “Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Project for the Collapse of the Córrego do Feijão Dam” (Brumadinho-UFMG Project) was conceived and approved in audience and consolidated through Technical Cooperation Term No. 037/19, signed between UFMG and the 2nd District Public Finance Court of the District of Belo Horizonte.

UFMG's Brumadinho Project has as its general purpose to help the Court of the 2nd Public Finance Court of the District of Belo Horizonte through studies and research that allow identify and evaluate the arising impacts from the disruption of Dam I of the Córrego do Feijão Mine.

To identify and evaluate the emergencial necessities from the socioeconomic, ambiental, salutary, educational impacts, such as the impacts on the urban estructures, on the material and immaterial cultural patrimony and on the Ribeirinha population, upon other effects, on local scale, microregional, mesoregional and regional.

To present the necessities of recovery and reconstruction in a Consolidated Assessment Report and develop a Recovery Plan.
The Scientific-Technical Committee

To elaborate public calls for the selection of Subprojects of research and extension and supervision of their implementation and execution for the achievement of general and specific objectives.

To coordinate actions developed to evaluate the impacts of the rupture of Dam I of the Córrego do Feijão mine, in Brumadinho. The activities will be divided according to the conception of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Brumadinho-UFMG Project and carried out by selecting Subprojects in “Calls” that are relevant to the objectives of the Brumadinho-UFMG Project.